Adventure - Expeditions - Inspiration

Welcome to Gregory Yeoman's website. Click on one of the menu tabs above to find out more about my various journeys and expeditions cycling in Russia, Siberia, Australia, France, Antarctica (!), and different countries around the world.
I have been giving slideshows and presentations about my expeditions and related subjects since 1994. In 2007 I was a panel-member at the Cycling Expeditions workshop during the Royal Geographical Society's 'Explore' event. For more information, have a look at the 'talks' page on this website.
Click here to send me an email if you would like to arrange for me to give a talk to your company, club or group, to ask about advice on organising expeditions, or for information about my book.
All text and images on this site © copyright Gregory Yeoman. All links are non-sponsored. Site last updated 30th September 2024.
Follow Gregory Yeoman on Twitter: @redlineExped
Watch my expedition videos on the BusinessOfAdventure channel on YouTube.
Newsflash! - hear the story of the Trans-Siberian Cycle Expedition on episode 072 of The Cycling Europe Podcast. Listen here.
'Riding into the Sunrise - Recollections of
a Bicycle Journey across Russia'
Available in paperback and e-reader editions.
The story of the Trans-Siberian Cycle
The e-reader version is on the smashwords.com website - follow this link to go directly to the page where you can read a brief description, download a free sample of the book and buy a copy.
If you prefer your books in traditional paper format, go to www.lulu.com. Use this link to visit the page. The printed book includes 59 black and white photos and eight excellent maps of the ride's stages.
Review taken from the Smashwords site:
"Outstanding story about a tremendous adventure. Combining graphic detail about the experience with rich history and background –and all with a fabulous sense of humour to make it a fascinating read."

Out There and Back
Kate Leeming has written a great book giving the story and background of the Great Australian Cycle Expedition. Click here to go through to the GRACE Expedition site to read excerpts and to order your copy.
Hear tales of exciting and inspiring expeditions at the Royal Geographical Society and the Transglobe Expedition Trust.
Cycling expeditions - Cycling holidays - Overseas travel - Adventure - Discovery - Journeys of a lifetime - Inspiring journeys - Lectures - Talks - Presentations - cycling in Russia - France - Germany - Greece - Austria - Australia - Asia - Europe - Americas - Africa - Antarctica - Polar regions