Trans-Siberian Cycle Expedition 1993

To sample and buy 'Riding into the Sunrise - Recollections of a Bicycle Journey across Russia' the book of the Trans-Siberian Cycle Expedition, click here (printed version) or click here (e-book).
A very long red line on the map, this one. 8,304 miles, completed in 153 days from May 1st 1993 to September 30th 1993. The expedition was organised by me and Kate Leeming to satisfy our curiosity about life behind the recently collapsed Iron Curtain and also to raise money for Childrens' Aid International and their Children of Chernobyl project.
We set off from St Petersburg in Spring, when there were no leaves on the trees, and we arrived in Vladivostok towards the end of the Siberian Autumn as the countryside was splashed with beautiful golds, russets and yellows.
The map below shows our route, and the following page gives impressions of what we saw and how it was in Russia shortly after the end of Communism.
Watch a short video of the expedition here on the BusinessOfAdventure YouTube channel.
Listen to the podcast about the expedition, hosted on The Cycling Europe Podcast (episode 072).